the Ghost – sinhala

2 thoughts on “the Ghost – sinhala

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  1. mama mekata ek ekedi comment kara…mata ewelawe hituna de mama kiwwe naha…metana podi basic problem ekak tiyenawa. ghost kenekta physical body ekak naha. itin physical body ekak nati kenek physical body ekakata dakwana adaraya ganai meke tiyenne…etana podi gataluwak tiyenawa…adyathmika pattata yomu wunanam meetath wada lassana kaviyak liyawenna tibba….

  2. I sometimes wonder if this is related to the earlier poem “Your Withering Beauty” even it’s a translation. Keeping aside the first impression of this poem of a ghost as a narrator, I like to see this in an alternative viewpoint.

    Taking the situation to the general world around us, I see 2 lovers or rather 2 ex lovers. Now one is ignoring the other “ma sirura winivida gaman kala obata ma nopenune . . ” and so the one who is ignored feels like he/she is a ghost.

    The ignored one laments that he/she was always there when the other was in need, was there to support in the most daring cases “andura konaka sirawa . . .oba thaniwa satankarana . . .oba wenuwen handu sitha etharam winividada”

    From the first verse I guess this ignored one was in a deep depressing situation before meeting the partner, but when he/she met the partner, life changed, the ignored one helped the partner face his/her demons and now when ignored again he/she laments about how invisible is he/she to the partner.

    Summing up I see a person who gave his/her whole to the partner being ignored. . .this sense of being ignored is a pain which arises from his/her deepest pits, might be he/she feels betrayed after doing so much for the partner.

    This is something real Awa, some of the deepest feelings a human can feel for another. I sometimes feel myself as this ghost, specially when I’m ignored. Nice poetry, my first attempt to interpret anything by you in Sinhala.

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